Sunday 12th March 2070
Six, Freedom, Ki-Rin, Drifter, Ash.
Six and Ki-Rin had lost Ono, Ki-Rin searched frantically on the Matrix, while Six mobilised his contacts into scouring the streets for a Ford Americar known to be driven by O’Bannon, one of the notable anarchists. The hunt for the Juggler continues...
Six spoke to Snow and Ash and explained the problem that they were having. Ash joined Six, and Snow found a couple of runners he knew who may be able to lend their skills.
Six and Ash first headed to Mal’s place, assuming that the notable anarchists would take their wounded friend (Clive) there. They were not wrong, but the Notables weren’t prepared to talk and a firefight ensued.
After the gunsmoke cleared Ash and Six removed the bodies, using the Anarchists own vehicle (these bodies were later dumped in a bin by Ash) and they found that Clive was on the op’s table out cold with Mal working away.
Ki-Rin received a phone call from the Juggler, (who had discovered from Ono and Mr. Johnson through the use of Sodium pentothal, that Ki-Rin was not a wannabe Notable Anarchist but a runner after him) inviting him to question one of his captive.
Ki-Rin, unaware of the trap headed off, calling Six and Ash and letting them know that he is en-route. Six and Ash called in the extra support that Snow had suggested and all of them met not far from Hunters Point Naval Base where Ki-Rin was due to meet.
The naval base has gone through some changes and an old entrance, long since abandoned and blocked in, still has some checkpoint type pillboxes. One of these the Notable Anarchists had broken into, and had questioned Ono and Mr. Johnson. They then rigged the place with explosives, and tricked Ki-Rin into going along.
Ki-Rin spotted the explosives in the underground rooms carefully stepping over the laser trip wire and didn’t set the devices off, but assuming that his cover hadn’t been blown he decided to play along and waited for the Juggler to show up. Time ticked on and Ki-Rin shot at Freedom when he came down to help keeping up the pretence that he was a Notable Anarchist.
Eventually Mr. Johnson came round and apologised for telling the Juggler everything and blowing Ki-Rin's cover. Ki-Rin and Freedom set about disarming the bombs, successfully taking apart the bombs attached to Ono and Mr. J.
Happy that they were free Ki-Rin moved the laser trip wire out of the way. Which set off the remaining explosives in the corridor designed to bury the runners forever.
The remaining runners realised what had happened, and set about freeing their colleagues. Six set off to a construction site 5 miles down the road to liberate a JCB the other s started man hauling the blocks of collapsed concrete out of the way.
40 minutes later, Six reappeared with a digger and completed 40 minutes of hand rawling with two scoops. Ono was laid up in the digger bucket and they all fled the scene in a convoy lead by Six in the digger, with Ono the Troll recumbent in the front bucket, and the rest in a Stolen pickup with three deceased Notable Anarchists in the back, and Six’s autopilotted NSX2070.
Ono was dumped in Six’s garage with a note pinned to him explaining what happened. The rest returned to Mal’s place to question Clive.
Freedom went in to try and blag Mal by telling him that he was there to collect Clive, mistaking the 3rd St. Gym owner as Clive, Mal realised that he was being fed a line and sent Freedom out. Freedom returned a moment later armed with a pistol and stun rounds, he knocked out Mal and the gym owner, and casually walked out with Clive on a hospital gurney.
Clive was taken back to Ash’s place and brought round to have a chat with. Clive talked and answered all of their questions; he was then knocked out again and delivered to a nearby hospital to continue his treatment.
The runners knew that O’Bannon had an expensive apartment over on Sunset and they headed over there to stake out the place. Ki-Rin set up an alarm system that would alert them when O’Bannon accessed his room. The team then returned to Ash’s apartment to wait.
4 hours later, O’Bannon returned and the team headed off as quickly as they could, they headed into the building with the decker, Ki-Rin bypassing the security systems and they arrived on the floor. Men were leaving O’Bannon’s room with Samsonite cases; the runners took them out quickly. They realised that they were heading to the helipads on the roof and made a dash to stop them lifting off, Ki-Rin tried to disable a helicopter by crashing the pilots PAN but was unable, by the time the runners got to the roof the helicopters were up and away with most of the Notable Anarchists, O’Bannon and the Juggler.
Before the runners could plan their next move, Mr. Johnson phoned. Cross Applied Technologies pulled the run, they no longer needed the information that the Juggler would supply and left the runners out to dry. Mr. Johnson who had been saved by the runners from almost certain death by explosion offered to pay the runners the money owed, but they declined.
Cross Applied Technologies treat runners the same as any other corporation, disposable assets. They aren’t aware of the seeds of hate they have sown in this team and ripping them off may well come back to haunt the company.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Six's blog. Run 3 and 4
by N.Barnes
Call Dir: Shadownet/ShadowlandsBBS/
Select Region: Region=SanFrancisco
Call SubDir: SanFrancisco/WeBlogs
Select Blog: Author=V.Six
Entry 4: 15.03.70
Drek. Frag. Drek-frag. This Shadowrunning lark ain’t all wine and roses you know. We’re up Kakalak Creek without an outboard. Hell, right now, we are minus, precisely, one Troll. And for all we know, tall, dark and scary has gotten his ass bagged and tagged…
It all started back on the 10th. Me and the Crew got a call from Snow, asking us to meet some Johnson from Cross Applied Technologies and help him out if we could. Now it wasn’t exactly a simple gig this Johnson wanted pulling and frankly it went from bad to worse from there on out. Seems there’s a team of corporate guerrilla’s out there in the Sprawl going by the name of the Notable Anarchists. They’ve pulled numerous hits on CAT and Johnson wanted their head honcho bringing in – only we’ve only got a fuzzy still from a security camera to base out investigation on.
However, the deal’s worth 45k to us so we’re not going to turn it down are we? Hell no. We hit research mode and quickly find out that while the Notable Anarchists are no great shakes, their boss is a guy called the Juggler. He was part of the original Neo-Anarchist movement about 15 years ago, has been a bit of a mover and shaker ever since and obviously has friends in high places – this dude’s Matrix record is watertight, not a sniff of info on him.
Ki-rinn decides to put Snow on the case, figuring he might have a few skills or programmes that we lack and Snow comes up with a hit the Notable Anarchists made on a Horizon site that went sour. A couple of their goons got their asses shot up and some Street Doc by the handle of Mal Practice was seen with the Juggler.
Now Mal is a much easier man to find so we cruise to his clinic over the Third Street Gym just to see if we can apply a bit of pressure and glean some information. Now Mal turns out to be a savvy sort of guy. He’s been around Runners long enough to know that a Street Doc is more use alive than dead – plus anyone who slots a Street Doc is gonna have to answer to his contacts, colleagues and clients, most of whom will be runners themselves and mighty miffed at the loss of their medical cover.
So Mal and Ki-rinn play deal ballet, dancing around the subject and trying to cut a deal. There’s something Mal wants – a NeuroToxin Fullblood Filter or NTFF. Mal’s not long lost a friend to a cocktail shot of DMSO and Neurotoxin and he’s pretty cut up because with one of these NTFF gizmo’s the guy’s life could have been saved. Mal says he’ll give us our info on the Juggler, plus a kickback or two, if we bring him the gadget.
An NTFF has a retail value in excess of two million Nuyen and I’ve left my wallet at home so we can’t just buy one. Mal tips us that DocWagon are loud and proud about having NTFF on standby for their Platinum contract customers so we head out to the nearest DocWagon site at Redmond. Redmond turns out to be a bit of a fortress. I turn on the charm, apply for a job as an ambulance driver and eventually get chatting to a paramedic. I’m hoping the kit’s in the ambulance and we can just drive it out but these machines are huge and only found in the operating theatres – the most secure zone of the facility.
Continues: 1/3
We think again and find out that El Centro Regional Medical Centre back in San Fran has one going spare. El Centro’s a public hospital so much more accessible than DocWagon and we relocate. Ki-rinn has a blinding idea and sets up an inter-hospital equipment loan. He does his hacking thang to make all the paperwork legit and I put the wheels in motion to source a car which I then fit out with fake plates and RFID so it looks like the El Centro medical transport. Plan works a charm and with Ono running distraction, we just walk in, wheel the kit out and drive it away.
So Mal’s stoked with his gear and everyone’s happy. He sings like a canary and tells us the Juggler was so grateful for the help Mal offered to his wounded friends that he gave Mal directions to a bar called Clive’s Dive and said that if he ever needed the Juggler’s help he just had to ask the barman: "What’s the best way to make people accept change?"
I’d done some research on known anarchist hang outs earlier and had already scoped this Clive’s Dive. The barman knew my face so I couldn’t go using the code word. We decided I’d head to the bar on the pretext of popping in for a beer. Ono would do likewise, but separately, then we’d wait to offer back up to Ki-rinn if necessary once he strolled in and laid the Juggler’s little code on the barman.
Again, it went off sweet as a nut. Ki-rinn managed to hook up with the Notable Anarchists but he was going to have to prove himself before they let a stranger clap eyes on the big man. So we found ourselves in Silicon Valley with instructions to support the Notable Anarchist’s cell as they made another hit on CAT. Ono and I played support, while Ki-rinn called in some crazy-ass, deaf old army buddy with a mad bomber complex to take out a power relay serving the district.
Ki-rinn and Flash found Lone Star crawling all over the place but managed to make the hit. They needed my help to pull their asses out of the fire and I picked up that my sled had been tagged on scanners. We had no idea whether it was Lone Star or the Anarchist’s scanning us but we couldn’t run the risk that our entire team had been compromised. Ono had managed to stay holed up without getting spotted so while he crept off separately to us, Ki-rinn and I ran defence as Flash made his escape. It was quite a rush man, high speed pursuit, car to car gun-fighting on opposite sides of a four-lane blacktop and the Firmpoint I’ve installed on the NSX really paid dividends.
Ono went to lay low near Clive’s Dive and I dropped Ki-rinn off so he could confront the Notable Anarchists and find out why it had all gone sour. I’d prepped a temporary paint job before the Silicon Valley hit so I ducked out to strip the car back down to it’s original paint. Ki-rinn’s heat had come from the Notable Anarchists who tipped off Lone Star to draw them away from their own target. That seemed reasonable – why should they have given a damn if Ki-rinn got busted – but given his escape, they were suitably impressed and revealed their target – the kidnap of our own fragging Johnson!
So there’s our paymaster general, tied up and bust up by the very people he’s paying us to take down. Tricky. O’Bannon, the leader of the cell, decides to play the straight man and take Ki-Rinn to meet the Juggler. Ono decides to go in and bust out the Johnson. I’m torn in fucking two man.
Ki-rinn’s heading off one way, alone and unarmed, to meet the target of our operation. Ono’s armed and armoured trying to bust out the one man who’s going to pay us for completing our operation. I’m torn and I made a call. A bad call. The wrong call. Instead of picking one or the other, I sit on the fence and try to support both of them, try to position myself mid-way between the two to be an FRT for either and instead I just get caught in No Man’s Land.
Continues: 2/3
Ki-rinn gets his ass jammed and I’m out of contact with Ono because he’s going into a gun fight. I wait 15 minutes and try to contact them both – I get nada so I wait 15 minutes more. Still nothing, from either of them. This is crazy, I’m not helping anyone so I blaze back to Clive’s Dive. The Dive is in darkness but Ono’s bike is still outside. I approach cautiously and sneak inside, splitting my attention between my own route and a quick scan of the bar that I run through a drone. Inside, I find the place deserted.
There are signs of a scrap but the only trace of the Johnson is a single Armani shoe and all I find of Ono is his prized katana, stuck point first into the floor at the threshold of the pub like some sort of warning.
I hear traffic approaching and blaze out back to my car. Turns out O’Bannon has bought Ki-rinn back, alive, and we hook up to compare notes as soon as he can get away. He’s met the Juggler. Even been given a PAYG so he can be contacted with any little jobs the Notable Anarchist’s need doing. Ki-rinn’s slowly getting in on the inside but there ain’t no sign of Ono and I think I didn’t do nearly enough to back him up. As soon as Ki-rinn’s PAN got jammed, I should have given his frosty ass up for dead and looked out for my boy.
Ash is gonna fucking pound on me for this…
I’ve pulled over to use a Cyber-CafĂ© for a piss and to post this Blog. I’ve got Kitty and the rest of the racers out pounding the streets. Hell I’ve been on the road for hours myself, criss-crossing and recrossing the city looking for one of the few Notable Anarchist vehicles I’d recognise, hoping against hope to catch them while they move him or something. I just don’t know what else I can do.
Mood: Desperate
Ends: 3/3
Call Dir: Shadownet/ShadowlandsBBS/
Select Region: Region=SanFrancisco
Call SubDir: SanFrancisco/WeBlogs
Select Blog: Author=V.Six
Entry 4: 15.03.70
Drek. Frag. Drek-frag. This Shadowrunning lark ain’t all wine and roses you know. We’re up Kakalak Creek without an outboard. Hell, right now, we are minus, precisely, one Troll. And for all we know, tall, dark and scary has gotten his ass bagged and tagged…
It all started back on the 10th. Me and the Crew got a call from Snow, asking us to meet some Johnson from Cross Applied Technologies and help him out if we could. Now it wasn’t exactly a simple gig this Johnson wanted pulling and frankly it went from bad to worse from there on out. Seems there’s a team of corporate guerrilla’s out there in the Sprawl going by the name of the Notable Anarchists. They’ve pulled numerous hits on CAT and Johnson wanted their head honcho bringing in – only we’ve only got a fuzzy still from a security camera to base out investigation on.
However, the deal’s worth 45k to us so we’re not going to turn it down are we? Hell no. We hit research mode and quickly find out that while the Notable Anarchists are no great shakes, their boss is a guy called the Juggler. He was part of the original Neo-Anarchist movement about 15 years ago, has been a bit of a mover and shaker ever since and obviously has friends in high places – this dude’s Matrix record is watertight, not a sniff of info on him.
Ki-rinn decides to put Snow on the case, figuring he might have a few skills or programmes that we lack and Snow comes up with a hit the Notable Anarchists made on a Horizon site that went sour. A couple of their goons got their asses shot up and some Street Doc by the handle of Mal Practice was seen with the Juggler.
Now Mal is a much easier man to find so we cruise to his clinic over the Third Street Gym just to see if we can apply a bit of pressure and glean some information. Now Mal turns out to be a savvy sort of guy. He’s been around Runners long enough to know that a Street Doc is more use alive than dead – plus anyone who slots a Street Doc is gonna have to answer to his contacts, colleagues and clients, most of whom will be runners themselves and mighty miffed at the loss of their medical cover.
So Mal and Ki-rinn play deal ballet, dancing around the subject and trying to cut a deal. There’s something Mal wants – a NeuroToxin Fullblood Filter or NTFF. Mal’s not long lost a friend to a cocktail shot of DMSO and Neurotoxin and he’s pretty cut up because with one of these NTFF gizmo’s the guy’s life could have been saved. Mal says he’ll give us our info on the Juggler, plus a kickback or two, if we bring him the gadget.
An NTFF has a retail value in excess of two million Nuyen and I’ve left my wallet at home so we can’t just buy one. Mal tips us that DocWagon are loud and proud about having NTFF on standby for their Platinum contract customers so we head out to the nearest DocWagon site at Redmond. Redmond turns out to be a bit of a fortress. I turn on the charm, apply for a job as an ambulance driver and eventually get chatting to a paramedic. I’m hoping the kit’s in the ambulance and we can just drive it out but these machines are huge and only found in the operating theatres – the most secure zone of the facility.
Continues: 1/3
We think again and find out that El Centro Regional Medical Centre back in San Fran has one going spare. El Centro’s a public hospital so much more accessible than DocWagon and we relocate. Ki-rinn has a blinding idea and sets up an inter-hospital equipment loan. He does his hacking thang to make all the paperwork legit and I put the wheels in motion to source a car which I then fit out with fake plates and RFID so it looks like the El Centro medical transport. Plan works a charm and with Ono running distraction, we just walk in, wheel the kit out and drive it away.
So Mal’s stoked with his gear and everyone’s happy. He sings like a canary and tells us the Juggler was so grateful for the help Mal offered to his wounded friends that he gave Mal directions to a bar called Clive’s Dive and said that if he ever needed the Juggler’s help he just had to ask the barman: "What’s the best way to make people accept change?"
I’d done some research on known anarchist hang outs earlier and had already scoped this Clive’s Dive. The barman knew my face so I couldn’t go using the code word. We decided I’d head to the bar on the pretext of popping in for a beer. Ono would do likewise, but separately, then we’d wait to offer back up to Ki-rinn if necessary once he strolled in and laid the Juggler’s little code on the barman.
Again, it went off sweet as a nut. Ki-rinn managed to hook up with the Notable Anarchists but he was going to have to prove himself before they let a stranger clap eyes on the big man. So we found ourselves in Silicon Valley with instructions to support the Notable Anarchist’s cell as they made another hit on CAT. Ono and I played support, while Ki-rinn called in some crazy-ass, deaf old army buddy with a mad bomber complex to take out a power relay serving the district.
Ki-rinn and Flash found Lone Star crawling all over the place but managed to make the hit. They needed my help to pull their asses out of the fire and I picked up that my sled had been tagged on scanners. We had no idea whether it was Lone Star or the Anarchist’s scanning us but we couldn’t run the risk that our entire team had been compromised. Ono had managed to stay holed up without getting spotted so while he crept off separately to us, Ki-rinn and I ran defence as Flash made his escape. It was quite a rush man, high speed pursuit, car to car gun-fighting on opposite sides of a four-lane blacktop and the Firmpoint I’ve installed on the NSX really paid dividends.
Ono went to lay low near Clive’s Dive and I dropped Ki-rinn off so he could confront the Notable Anarchists and find out why it had all gone sour. I’d prepped a temporary paint job before the Silicon Valley hit so I ducked out to strip the car back down to it’s original paint. Ki-rinn’s heat had come from the Notable Anarchists who tipped off Lone Star to draw them away from their own target. That seemed reasonable – why should they have given a damn if Ki-rinn got busted – but given his escape, they were suitably impressed and revealed their target – the kidnap of our own fragging Johnson!
So there’s our paymaster general, tied up and bust up by the very people he’s paying us to take down. Tricky. O’Bannon, the leader of the cell, decides to play the straight man and take Ki-Rinn to meet the Juggler. Ono decides to go in and bust out the Johnson. I’m torn in fucking two man.
Ki-rinn’s heading off one way, alone and unarmed, to meet the target of our operation. Ono’s armed and armoured trying to bust out the one man who’s going to pay us for completing our operation. I’m torn and I made a call. A bad call. The wrong call. Instead of picking one or the other, I sit on the fence and try to support both of them, try to position myself mid-way between the two to be an FRT for either and instead I just get caught in No Man’s Land.
Continues: 2/3
Ki-rinn gets his ass jammed and I’m out of contact with Ono because he’s going into a gun fight. I wait 15 minutes and try to contact them both – I get nada so I wait 15 minutes more. Still nothing, from either of them. This is crazy, I’m not helping anyone so I blaze back to Clive’s Dive. The Dive is in darkness but Ono’s bike is still outside. I approach cautiously and sneak inside, splitting my attention between my own route and a quick scan of the bar that I run through a drone. Inside, I find the place deserted.
There are signs of a scrap but the only trace of the Johnson is a single Armani shoe and all I find of Ono is his prized katana, stuck point first into the floor at the threshold of the pub like some sort of warning.
I hear traffic approaching and blaze out back to my car. Turns out O’Bannon has bought Ki-rinn back, alive, and we hook up to compare notes as soon as he can get away. He’s met the Juggler. Even been given a PAYG so he can be contacted with any little jobs the Notable Anarchist’s need doing. Ki-rinn’s slowly getting in on the inside but there ain’t no sign of Ono and I think I didn’t do nearly enough to back him up. As soon as Ki-rinn’s PAN got jammed, I should have given his frosty ass up for dead and looked out for my boy.
Ash is gonna fucking pound on me for this…
I’ve pulled over to use a Cyber-CafĂ© for a piss and to post this Blog. I’ve got Kitty and the rest of the racers out pounding the streets. Hell I’ve been on the road for hours myself, criss-crossing and recrossing the city looking for one of the few Notable Anarchist vehicles I’d recognise, hoping against hope to catch them while they move him or something. I just don’t know what else I can do.
Mood: Desperate
Ends: 3/3
Run 4. The Notable Anarchists Pt. 2
Six, Ki-Rin, Ono.
The runners were tasked with finding and bringing to Cross Applied Technologies a man who has been masterminding a guerrilla war waged on the corporation’s assets. One man who knew how to get in touch with this Juggler was a St. Doc. Called Mal. He would part with the information if the runners got hold of a bit of medical equipment called an NeruoToxin blood filter. NTF. The runners had found one of these expensive bits of equipment at a Docwagon facility but were thwarted by the security measures put in place…
Friday 10th March 2070
The runners pull back from the hit on the Docwagon place due to insurmountable security and Ki-Rin hooks up to the net and finds that a Medicare US hospital has two of these machines. Medicare doesn’t have the resources to throw as security in the same way Docwagon do, so they head on over to the medical centre to see what they can find.
A few hours of mooching around the hospital turns up one of these machines hooked up to a patient, the other in an operating theatre. Ki-Rin gets the idea to instruct the hospital via the Matrix that the machine is due for transfer and gets hacking to make it happen.
Six heads off to acquire a ford Americar estate from Hertz-San-Fran. Legally hiring the car, he then preps some fake plates and ditches the RFID tag. The team of runner’s head back to the hospital to “collect” the NTF machine, Ono ran distraction while Ki-Rin and Six took the unit with barely a sniff from security.
Taking the unit back to the St. Doc, they get paid the agreed amount and Mal tells them about the time he tried to save three Notable Anarchists after they got shot up on a job-gone-sour. The Juggler told him to go to Clive’s Dive and gave Mal a code phrase to use if the St. Doc. Wanted to get in touch with him. This phrase Mal passed to the runners.
Saturday 11th March 2070
The runners went to Clives dive, Six had already made contact with the bald headed owner, Clive, so didn’t want to use the code. Ki-Rin opted to lead this part of the investigation, with Ono in situ as heavy back up.
What is the best way to get people to accept change? Ki-Rin posed the question, and Clive replied it’s not to give them a choice! Clive, a signed up member of the Notable Anarchists went to inform the cell who were operating from his bar that someone had used the code and eventually sent Ki-Rin to meet the men gathered upstairs.
O’Bannon, the leader of this little cell introduced his gang. King, a black human, Shortstock the dwarf, Builder another human and Book the bespectacled man with his head in a book.
They were planning a hit on Cross applied technologies and Ki-Rin was given the option to get involved. Ki-Rin suggested that he could blow up a substation as a distraction this would surely draw the heat away from the real hit. They shook hands and agreed a time.
Ki-Rin made his way to the substation, with a contact called Flash who loved his explosions, unaware that O’Bannon had tipped off Lone Star about the attack on the substation to draw the cops away from their real target 15 miles away. Ki-Rin did manage to blow the sub-station, but had to make a flighty getaway.
A couple of hours later, the runners got together and Ki-Rin phoned O’Bannon to find out what happened. O’Bannon invited him back to the club where they could talk some more. The Notable Anarchist cell leader revealed to Ki-Rin that he had not told him the truth about their intended target, and that he had phoned Lone Star himself so that they would be successful. O’Bannon revealed to Ki-Rin the hostage that had been taken by the rest of the cell, a Cross Applied Technologies Employee, The runners contact and paymaster for the job to bring in The Juggler, Mr. Johnson.
O’Bannon decided to take Ki-Rin to meet the Juggler and after meeting and liking the young decker he gave him a phone on which he would call when he wanted Ki-Rin’s input.
Meanwhile Ono took it upon himself to rescue the Mr. Johnson. Kicking the door down, the big troll was met by Clive, who was not about to have his Dive trashed by this runner. They fought and the ruckus downstairs brought the rest of the notable Anarchists down to the aid of their man, the enigmatic Book took the Troll down with a spell and he slipped into a deep sleep.
Ki-Rin had met the target, The Juggler, and was now waiting for the call.
The Notable Anarchists captured the runners contact, Mr. Johnson, and Ono joined him when superior numbers thwarted his rescue attempt.
Six was unable to help either Ono or Ki-Rin and felt guilty for letting his team down. He made some hurried phone calls and roused everyone he knows to start scanning the streets for the Americar that O’Bannon drives.
To be continued…
The runners were tasked with finding and bringing to Cross Applied Technologies a man who has been masterminding a guerrilla war waged on the corporation’s assets. One man who knew how to get in touch with this Juggler was a St. Doc. Called Mal. He would part with the information if the runners got hold of a bit of medical equipment called an NeruoToxin blood filter. NTF. The runners had found one of these expensive bits of equipment at a Docwagon facility but were thwarted by the security measures put in place…
Friday 10th March 2070
The runners pull back from the hit on the Docwagon place due to insurmountable security and Ki-Rin hooks up to the net and finds that a Medicare US hospital has two of these machines. Medicare doesn’t have the resources to throw as security in the same way Docwagon do, so they head on over to the medical centre to see what they can find.
A few hours of mooching around the hospital turns up one of these machines hooked up to a patient, the other in an operating theatre. Ki-Rin gets the idea to instruct the hospital via the Matrix that the machine is due for transfer and gets hacking to make it happen.
Six heads off to acquire a ford Americar estate from Hertz-San-Fran. Legally hiring the car, he then preps some fake plates and ditches the RFID tag. The team of runner’s head back to the hospital to “collect” the NTF machine, Ono ran distraction while Ki-Rin and Six took the unit with barely a sniff from security.
Taking the unit back to the St. Doc, they get paid the agreed amount and Mal tells them about the time he tried to save three Notable Anarchists after they got shot up on a job-gone-sour. The Juggler told him to go to Clive’s Dive and gave Mal a code phrase to use if the St. Doc. Wanted to get in touch with him. This phrase Mal passed to the runners.
Saturday 11th March 2070
The runners went to Clives dive, Six had already made contact with the bald headed owner, Clive, so didn’t want to use the code. Ki-Rin opted to lead this part of the investigation, with Ono in situ as heavy back up.
What is the best way to get people to accept change? Ki-Rin posed the question, and Clive replied it’s not to give them a choice! Clive, a signed up member of the Notable Anarchists went to inform the cell who were operating from his bar that someone had used the code and eventually sent Ki-Rin to meet the men gathered upstairs.
O’Bannon, the leader of this little cell introduced his gang. King, a black human, Shortstock the dwarf, Builder another human and Book the bespectacled man with his head in a book.
They were planning a hit on Cross applied technologies and Ki-Rin was given the option to get involved. Ki-Rin suggested that he could blow up a substation as a distraction this would surely draw the heat away from the real hit. They shook hands and agreed a time.
Ki-Rin made his way to the substation, with a contact called Flash who loved his explosions, unaware that O’Bannon had tipped off Lone Star about the attack on the substation to draw the cops away from their real target 15 miles away. Ki-Rin did manage to blow the sub-station, but had to make a flighty getaway.
A couple of hours later, the runners got together and Ki-Rin phoned O’Bannon to find out what happened. O’Bannon invited him back to the club where they could talk some more. The Notable Anarchist cell leader revealed to Ki-Rin that he had not told him the truth about their intended target, and that he had phoned Lone Star himself so that they would be successful. O’Bannon revealed to Ki-Rin the hostage that had been taken by the rest of the cell, a Cross Applied Technologies Employee, The runners contact and paymaster for the job to bring in The Juggler, Mr. Johnson.
O’Bannon decided to take Ki-Rin to meet the Juggler and after meeting and liking the young decker he gave him a phone on which he would call when he wanted Ki-Rin’s input.
Meanwhile Ono took it upon himself to rescue the Mr. Johnson. Kicking the door down, the big troll was met by Clive, who was not about to have his Dive trashed by this runner. They fought and the ruckus downstairs brought the rest of the notable Anarchists down to the aid of their man, the enigmatic Book took the Troll down with a spell and he slipped into a deep sleep.
Ki-Rin had met the target, The Juggler, and was now waiting for the call.
The Notable Anarchists captured the runners contact, Mr. Johnson, and Ono joined him when superior numbers thwarted his rescue attempt.
Six was unable to help either Ono or Ki-Rin and felt guilty for letting his team down. He made some hurried phone calls and roused everyone he knows to start scanning the streets for the Americar that O’Bannon drives.
To be continued…
Thursday, March 16, 2006
More NPC's
A brief write up on the np-characters who are making the life of the runners intresting.
Snow brought the runners together and has a hand in their dealings. He moved from an active runner role in Seattle to a more fixer-orientated role in San Francisco, a task that the charismatic albino man excels at. He is an enigmatic man, telling the runners nothing of his past; careful with everything he says and does he is a difficult man to pin down.
Jesus Raul.
Jesus is a Hispanic gangster who has managed to get embroiled with the Shadowrunners activities. They busted him once when they found him knocking off a jewellery store, which annoyed him but he was going to let the loss of face go as they could have killed him and didn’t. When a week later they implicated him in a raid on a shopping mall by hiring a van under his name, an act which resulted in him spending time in the slammer, he has decided to get even.
Phil and Freddie are a couple of surfers who were recruited by Ash to carry out a robbery on a shopping mal. Phil and Freddie have destroyed too many brain cells with excessive pot smoking and peroxide hair colouring, and as a result they got themselves arrested and are set to spend the next two years of their life in a prison.
Martin Practice is a once brilliant surgeon who was struck off the medical register after a series of fatal mistakes on the operating table. He took his questionable skills to the streets where there is always a need for doctors who don’t ask questions and he has proven to be a capable doctor. Affectionately called Mal by his friends and patients, he is a likeable man who runs his street surgery from the back of 3rd Street Boxing Gym.
The Juggler.
The Juggler is an elf who heads a guerrilla group called The Notable Anarchists. He claims to be against the unjust burden placed upon the world by the corporate superpowers. Despite these claims some of the actions of The Notable Anarchists have brought into question his real motives.
Officer Tony Velez.
Tony Velez is a traffic cop for Lone Star who drives one of the new SAAB Dante unmarked pursuit cars. He has recently moved from the Richmond district of California to San Francisco after complaints were made regarding his style of policing in Richmond. He has seen some case files (Six, Ash and Ono) wiped clean by Lone Star Captain Duncan Croner for no apparent reason. And because of this he has decided to pay special attention to those individuals to see what they have over Croner.
Snow brought the runners together and has a hand in their dealings. He moved from an active runner role in Seattle to a more fixer-orientated role in San Francisco, a task that the charismatic albino man excels at. He is an enigmatic man, telling the runners nothing of his past; careful with everything he says and does he is a difficult man to pin down.
Jesus Raul.
Jesus is a Hispanic gangster who has managed to get embroiled with the Shadowrunners activities. They busted him once when they found him knocking off a jewellery store, which annoyed him but he was going to let the loss of face go as they could have killed him and didn’t. When a week later they implicated him in a raid on a shopping mall by hiring a van under his name, an act which resulted in him spending time in the slammer, he has decided to get even.
Phil and Freddie are a couple of surfers who were recruited by Ash to carry out a robbery on a shopping mal. Phil and Freddie have destroyed too many brain cells with excessive pot smoking and peroxide hair colouring, and as a result they got themselves arrested and are set to spend the next two years of their life in a prison.
Martin Practice is a once brilliant surgeon who was struck off the medical register after a series of fatal mistakes on the operating table. He took his questionable skills to the streets where there is always a need for doctors who don’t ask questions and he has proven to be a capable doctor. Affectionately called Mal by his friends and patients, he is a likeable man who runs his street surgery from the back of 3rd Street Boxing Gym.
The Juggler.
The Juggler is an elf who heads a guerrilla group called The Notable Anarchists. He claims to be against the unjust burden placed upon the world by the corporate superpowers. Despite these claims some of the actions of The Notable Anarchists have brought into question his real motives.
Officer Tony Velez.
Tony Velez is a traffic cop for Lone Star who drives one of the new SAAB Dante unmarked pursuit cars. He has recently moved from the Richmond district of California to San Francisco after complaints were made regarding his style of policing in Richmond. He has seen some case files (Six, Ash and Ono) wiped clean by Lone Star Captain Duncan Croner for no apparent reason. And because of this he has decided to pay special attention to those individuals to see what they have over Croner.
Run 3. The Notable Anarchists Pt. 1
Friday 10th March 2070
Six, Ki-Rin, Ono
Five days had passed since the sortie on the Shopping Mall. Lone Star have been keeping an eye on a couple of the runners who they think could have been involved but the arrest orders have been belayed for the time being. Ash decided to lie really low, took his boat and went fishing.
Snow had headed off to Seattle but received a call from a Mr. Johnson who wanted to put a team together. Unable to do the meet, Snow passed the job direct to the team who were happy to have a talk with the suit.
The Johnson was from Cross Applied Technologies and he wanted to employ the runners to find the man leading a series of guerrilla attacks on CAT properties and bring him to the corporation for questioning.
The terrorist group proclaimed to be called The Notable Anarchists and apart from a still photo taken from a security video, nothing was really known about the leader of this group. The runners started the legwork as soon as the Johnson left. Ki-Rin let his computer programs do the searching, while Six tapped his contacts.
In a short space of time, Ki-Rin had found that this group had been active for about 18 months, and were deemed to be “low risk”. All records of the leader had been purged from the matrix, but a file photo of a young man who looked like their elven guerrilla leader, who was involved in a riot 15 years ago put a name, The Juggler, to his face. Ono got hold of some security footage of one of the raids and analysed the technique and guessed that these raids were well co-ordinated and could be the work of runners.
The team surmised that there was more to this man and his activities than first seemed but they couldn’t place his motives. Was he a disgruntled ex-employee? Was he a shadowrunner himself who was working for a rival corp? Was he some kind of fixer, lining up these hits on Cross Applied Technologies?
Six went out to check out some neo-anarchist styled bars, and managed to convince the owner of Clives-Dive that he was a wannabe anarchist and arranged to come back to talk about starting some activist type activities. On his way back to tell the rest of the team about his success, a driver in a SAAB Dante goaded Six into a bit of a street race. Six took the bait and after Six had filled 5 minutes of the unmarked cop cars camera with illegal driving, the Dante flicked on his blues and twos. Six booted it, and the Dante lost the street racer…. For now.
The team were at a loss, and contacted Snow to see what he could deduce of the evidence they had gathered so far. Snow quickly read through the info that they sent him and noticed that a couple of the Notable Anarchists had been killed in a raid against another company, he made a few calls following up that lead.
He came back with the name of a St. Doc. Called Mal, who was at the scene of this attack and had tended to the mortally wounded before Lone Star arrived. The runners headed straight round to 3rd Street Gym, where Mal ran his clinic.
Mal claimed to know of the Juggler, and offered to help but at a price. He wanted an expensive bit of medical kit for his street surgery. And would tell the runners what they needed to know if they got it for him. This NTF Neuro Toxin blood Filter machine cost a cool two mil, and although surprised when Ki-Rin demanded a kick back for getting the machine, he was prepared to empty the street clinics coffers of 10k to get this machine from the runner.
The runners headed off to a new Docwagon facility to see what all the fuss was about these machines. Docwagon have a very tight security system, and although Six tried every which way (including submitting his CV and real ID to Docwagon to get a job) he couldn’t get close to one of these machines.
The runners withdrew to consider their options and decided that a less well-funded private clinic could be the answer, and Ki-Rin searched the matrix for some locations. Medicare US has two of these machines at their San Francisco hospital, and although the private clinic was still in an AAA zone, they fancied that the well-funded Docwagon HQ was to be a more difficult nut to crack.
With that they headed off…
Six, Ki-Rin, Ono
Five days had passed since the sortie on the Shopping Mall. Lone Star have been keeping an eye on a couple of the runners who they think could have been involved but the arrest orders have been belayed for the time being. Ash decided to lie really low, took his boat and went fishing.
Snow had headed off to Seattle but received a call from a Mr. Johnson who wanted to put a team together. Unable to do the meet, Snow passed the job direct to the team who were happy to have a talk with the suit.
The Johnson was from Cross Applied Technologies and he wanted to employ the runners to find the man leading a series of guerrilla attacks on CAT properties and bring him to the corporation for questioning.
The terrorist group proclaimed to be called The Notable Anarchists and apart from a still photo taken from a security video, nothing was really known about the leader of this group. The runners started the legwork as soon as the Johnson left. Ki-Rin let his computer programs do the searching, while Six tapped his contacts.
In a short space of time, Ki-Rin had found that this group had been active for about 18 months, and were deemed to be “low risk”. All records of the leader had been purged from the matrix, but a file photo of a young man who looked like their elven guerrilla leader, who was involved in a riot 15 years ago put a name, The Juggler, to his face. Ono got hold of some security footage of one of the raids and analysed the technique and guessed that these raids were well co-ordinated and could be the work of runners.
The team surmised that there was more to this man and his activities than first seemed but they couldn’t place his motives. Was he a disgruntled ex-employee? Was he a shadowrunner himself who was working for a rival corp? Was he some kind of fixer, lining up these hits on Cross Applied Technologies?
Six went out to check out some neo-anarchist styled bars, and managed to convince the owner of Clives-Dive that he was a wannabe anarchist and arranged to come back to talk about starting some activist type activities. On his way back to tell the rest of the team about his success, a driver in a SAAB Dante goaded Six into a bit of a street race. Six took the bait and after Six had filled 5 minutes of the unmarked cop cars camera with illegal driving, the Dante flicked on his blues and twos. Six booted it, and the Dante lost the street racer…. For now.
The team were at a loss, and contacted Snow to see what he could deduce of the evidence they had gathered so far. Snow quickly read through the info that they sent him and noticed that a couple of the Notable Anarchists had been killed in a raid against another company, he made a few calls following up that lead.
He came back with the name of a St. Doc. Called Mal, who was at the scene of this attack and had tended to the mortally wounded before Lone Star arrived. The runners headed straight round to 3rd Street Gym, where Mal ran his clinic.
Mal claimed to know of the Juggler, and offered to help but at a price. He wanted an expensive bit of medical kit for his street surgery. And would tell the runners what they needed to know if they got it for him. This NTF Neuro Toxin blood Filter machine cost a cool two mil, and although surprised when Ki-Rin demanded a kick back for getting the machine, he was prepared to empty the street clinics coffers of 10k to get this machine from the runner.
The runners headed off to a new Docwagon facility to see what all the fuss was about these machines. Docwagon have a very tight security system, and although Six tried every which way (including submitting his CV and real ID to Docwagon to get a job) he couldn’t get close to one of these machines.
The runners withdrew to consider their options and decided that a less well-funded private clinic could be the answer, and Ki-Rin searched the matrix for some locations. Medicare US has two of these machines at their San Francisco hospital, and although the private clinic was still in an AAA zone, they fancied that the well-funded Docwagon HQ was to be a more difficult nut to crack.
With that they headed off…
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Six's Blog. Run 2
By N.Barnes
Call Dir: Shadownet/ShadowlandsBBS/
Select Region: Region=SanFrancisco
Call SubDir: SanFrancisco/WeBlogs
Select Blog: Author=V.Six
Entry 3: 07.03.70
This dog Snow never seems to stop! Had another call from him the day before yesterday. A Sunday! Is nothing sacred anymore? Lol, like I had anything better to do. I cruised right on over and hooked up with my man Ash and Ono but Snow felt we needed some tech support and introduced us to a Decker guy called Ki-rinn as well. I’m not sure what to make of him. I tried to be nice but the dude was a little frosty…
Anyway, Snow offers us five large to do some dirty work for a Johnson. Seems the Stonetown Mall recently switched security contract from Control Monitor Systems to Allied Defence Group and CMS are none too chipper about it. So the dirty work is a simple hit – blaze in, wreck the joint, lift some gear and light out but the aim is to embarrass ADG, make a mockery of their security and give CMS an opportunity to go back hard and try to reclaim the contract. We could be looking at another 10k as a bonus if the contract goes home!
So we cruise to the Mall and this is where I start to thinking the new guy might be a little frosty. He doesn’t give us any lead on the sort of thing we should look for security-wise. I mean – he’s tech support so he’s supposed to hack the Mall systems. I figure he’ll take control, let us know what he needs but no, he just breezes on in without so much as a Heads-up!
It’s clear none of the rest of us really know what to do so we just visit Splitsville and go our separate ways.
Snow told us to target four shops who were vocal against switching security contracts. He figures if they take a hit then they’ll push hardest to switch back to CMS. I concentrate on scoping out the location of American Eagle Outfitters, 9West, Watch Station and Sushi Boat, then settle down to try and scope a pattern on the security. Fuck knows what the other lads do but they’re pro’s so I trust ‘em not to slack off.
That night we pooled our ideas. Mall security was tight – too tight – we’re talking about 140 cameras, pressure pads, laser trip lines and a shift of ten guards working two-man half-hourly patrols. Frosty tells us there’s a Decker running systems from within too. He smells a rat and does some digging. Seems ADG are linked to a group called Frost Financial who are shoring up their share price with illegal TripChip sales!
Now that’s some juicy scuttlebutt but we decide it’s not so relevant to the here and now. Frosty wants to pull a dummy run on the Sec-Decker so I try to break down a few barriers by offering him the comfort of my passenger seat.
The other lads blaze and we work a stakeout. It’s not like I chat much to Ki-rinn but maybe I pick up it’s not that he’s frosty, just reserved?
Anyhoo, we decide to go for maximum disruption to really show the ADG systems up. Mr Contacts and I lay down a little side bet – whoever gets the most muscle in on the gig makes a cool 20 bucks. I get Kitty to put out the word about a race meet at the Mall, with a side order of B and E. For his part, Ash gets us up at the crack of dawn to cruise down the strip and hook up with a couple of hash pipe toking, gnarly surf bums. He makes like the Prince of Thieves and tries getting me to pay up on these goons. I just tell him to bide his time.
We made the hit at 1am today. Ash and the Surf Patrol take a hired van and smash in through a side window of AE Outfitters. Ono and Frosty head downstairs to neutralize security. I’m pleased to see about a dozen street racers turn up and we create havoc, out on the car park and then smack through the entrance lobby to pull some tight J-turns on the Mall’s highly polished floor. Sweet.
Now ADG’s Rent-a-Cops don’t take too kindly to us interrupting their coffee and jam donut break. It gets hostile, fast, but while Ki-rinn hasn’t exactly been Mr Personality, he shows he’s got the skills to pay the bills. No alarms, no alerts, hell no sprinklers when we lay down a couple of Molotov cocktails into the Sushi Boat and 9West – plus he gets all the automatic doors open on demand and fast.
We take a section of store each. I fill a duffle bag with bling from the Watch Station and use the NSX weapon pod to smash the glass ceiling and generally keep the Rent-a-Cop’s heads down. I lay down a couple of the Molotov’s too and let my Racer homies help themselves. Ash and the Surf Patrol have a bit of a ruck but manage to pretty much strip AE Outiftters while Ki-Rinn and Ono make a bonus raid on Macy’s, lay the smack down on Security and try to bust Weapon’s World just for shits and giggles.
We’ve already clocked the heat’s response time is about 15 minutes so we’re in and out in ten and leave our target shops either stripped of stock or burning nicely and head home. All in all it goes down pretty sweet and this morning Snow helped us shift the hot merchandise for a tidy 24k. Hell we even made CNN so now we’re just waiting on a few contract negotiations to see whether or not we make the bonus!
I’m a little concerned though. I’ve gotta trust these dudes with my life and apart from Ash (who coughed up his 20 by the way!) I don’t really feel like they’re my boys yet. I figure I’ll hit them up Thursday night and see if we can head down the strip for a few beers, hang out and break down some barriers. I’ll drink to that!
Mood: Pensive
Call Dir: Shadownet/ShadowlandsBBS/
Select Region: Region=SanFrancisco
Call SubDir: SanFrancisco/WeBlogs
Select Blog: Author=V.Six
Entry 3: 07.03.70
This dog Snow never seems to stop! Had another call from him the day before yesterday. A Sunday! Is nothing sacred anymore? Lol, like I had anything better to do. I cruised right on over and hooked up with my man Ash and Ono but Snow felt we needed some tech support and introduced us to a Decker guy called Ki-rinn as well. I’m not sure what to make of him. I tried to be nice but the dude was a little frosty…
Anyway, Snow offers us five large to do some dirty work for a Johnson. Seems the Stonetown Mall recently switched security contract from Control Monitor Systems to Allied Defence Group and CMS are none too chipper about it. So the dirty work is a simple hit – blaze in, wreck the joint, lift some gear and light out but the aim is to embarrass ADG, make a mockery of their security and give CMS an opportunity to go back hard and try to reclaim the contract. We could be looking at another 10k as a bonus if the contract goes home!
So we cruise to the Mall and this is where I start to thinking the new guy might be a little frosty. He doesn’t give us any lead on the sort of thing we should look for security-wise. I mean – he’s tech support so he’s supposed to hack the Mall systems. I figure he’ll take control, let us know what he needs but no, he just breezes on in without so much as a Heads-up!
It’s clear none of the rest of us really know what to do so we just visit Splitsville and go our separate ways.
Snow told us to target four shops who were vocal against switching security contracts. He figures if they take a hit then they’ll push hardest to switch back to CMS. I concentrate on scoping out the location of American Eagle Outfitters, 9West, Watch Station and Sushi Boat, then settle down to try and scope a pattern on the security. Fuck knows what the other lads do but they’re pro’s so I trust ‘em not to slack off.
That night we pooled our ideas. Mall security was tight – too tight – we’re talking about 140 cameras, pressure pads, laser trip lines and a shift of ten guards working two-man half-hourly patrols. Frosty tells us there’s a Decker running systems from within too. He smells a rat and does some digging. Seems ADG are linked to a group called Frost Financial who are shoring up their share price with illegal TripChip sales!
Now that’s some juicy scuttlebutt but we decide it’s not so relevant to the here and now. Frosty wants to pull a dummy run on the Sec-Decker so I try to break down a few barriers by offering him the comfort of my passenger seat.
The other lads blaze and we work a stakeout. It’s not like I chat much to Ki-rinn but maybe I pick up it’s not that he’s frosty, just reserved?
Anyhoo, we decide to go for maximum disruption to really show the ADG systems up. Mr Contacts and I lay down a little side bet – whoever gets the most muscle in on the gig makes a cool 20 bucks. I get Kitty to put out the word about a race meet at the Mall, with a side order of B and E. For his part, Ash gets us up at the crack of dawn to cruise down the strip and hook up with a couple of hash pipe toking, gnarly surf bums. He makes like the Prince of Thieves and tries getting me to pay up on these goons. I just tell him to bide his time.
We made the hit at 1am today. Ash and the Surf Patrol take a hired van and smash in through a side window of AE Outfitters. Ono and Frosty head downstairs to neutralize security. I’m pleased to see about a dozen street racers turn up and we create havoc, out on the car park and then smack through the entrance lobby to pull some tight J-turns on the Mall’s highly polished floor. Sweet.
Now ADG’s Rent-a-Cops don’t take too kindly to us interrupting their coffee and jam donut break. It gets hostile, fast, but while Ki-rinn hasn’t exactly been Mr Personality, he shows he’s got the skills to pay the bills. No alarms, no alerts, hell no sprinklers when we lay down a couple of Molotov cocktails into the Sushi Boat and 9West – plus he gets all the automatic doors open on demand and fast.
We take a section of store each. I fill a duffle bag with bling from the Watch Station and use the NSX weapon pod to smash the glass ceiling and generally keep the Rent-a-Cop’s heads down. I lay down a couple of the Molotov’s too and let my Racer homies help themselves. Ash and the Surf Patrol have a bit of a ruck but manage to pretty much strip AE Outiftters while Ki-Rinn and Ono make a bonus raid on Macy’s, lay the smack down on Security and try to bust Weapon’s World just for shits and giggles.
We’ve already clocked the heat’s response time is about 15 minutes so we’re in and out in ten and leave our target shops either stripped of stock or burning nicely and head home. All in all it goes down pretty sweet and this morning Snow helped us shift the hot merchandise for a tidy 24k. Hell we even made CNN so now we’re just waiting on a few contract negotiations to see whether or not we make the bonus!
I’m a little concerned though. I’ve gotta trust these dudes with my life and apart from Ash (who coughed up his 20 by the way!) I don’t really feel like they’re my boys yet. I figure I’ll hit them up Thursday night and see if we can head down the strip for a few beers, hang out and break down some barriers. I’ll drink to that!
Mood: Pensive
Run 2. The shopping centre hit.
Sunday 05/03/2070
Six, Ash, Ki-Rin, Ono.
Snow had a job passed his way from a Mr. Johnson who worked for Control Monitor Systems. The Californian based security firm had recently lost the contract for guarding a shopping mall to a rival company called Allied Defense Group.
Snow took the job confident that he knew a few people who would be up for the task, and in addition he had found a competent decker who he thought would prove invaluable on this run.
The premise was simple. 5 grand incentive for a team of shadowrunners to breech the mall security prove that ADG aren’t up to the task after that CMS can then re-tender for the work. The runners can keep anything that they deicide to half inch, and if CMS win the contract back, they will wire another 10 grand as thanks.
Snow had picked out 4 companies who would be good to target especially. The owners of these shops are influential people and having their property hit would reinforce the argument to reinstate CMS as the mall security firm.
The runners took the job and instantly headed out for a bit of legwork. First port of call, Stonestown shopping mall to have a look at what they would be up against. Splitting up they began taking a note of the store security. Security was tighter than they expected for a small shopping centre.
Ki-Rin, the decker, clipped a RFI transmitter to one of the security scanner pillars bold as brass dressed as an engineer. A clever blag had Ki-Rin being helped by one of the store security guards to breech store security.
Ash headed away from the mall toward the beach, he rustled up a couple of surfing mates who had a bit of history with street crime. He told them about the hit that they would be doing and these characters, Phil and Freddie Fingers (on account of having all of his fingers bitten off by a shark) joined the party.
Six and Ono took in guard numbers, security rotations, cameras etc. and by about 8:30pm they had a sort of plan. Ash and Ono recovered to a bar nearby, Six and Ki-Rin stayed on and watched the night time security.
By the time the team had gathered there was a smidge of a plan. Hit the mall at 01:00 tomorrow night. Smash into a couple of stores and rob the designer apparel, burn down the other shops. Bypass the security somehow…
Six also arranged for a few street racer mates to turn up, to run distraction and to help raid the shops once they were in. It would be noisy but with luck it would pay off.
Ki-Rin did a bit of legwork on the company who took over the shopping centre and discovered that Frost Financial Group not only owned Allied Defence Group but were propping up their failing finances with a side in the distribution of illegal Trip Chips. If they were distributing chips from this mall, it would explain the excessive security.
The information changed nothing and it was disregarded.
The following night the runners were met by Phil and Freddie, and shortly after were joined by 14 street racers who wanted a bit of the action.
Ki-Rin and Ono headed underground and while Ki-Rin did battle with the security decker, Ono got fighty. Six and Ash (backed up by the surfer dudes and some of the street racers) smashed into the store and began taking on the store guards.
The alarm was sounded, but with a bit of clever coding Ki-Rin supressed it and transmitted the all clear to Lone Star. Unsure if the call had been made before he quashed the alarm they didn’t hang around for long.
They raided a few stores and burned the others and then fled into the city. Lone Star had managed to get a helicopter into the air but with many vehicles fleeing the scene they had a hard time keeping track. But with coordinated Lone Star resources they were able to keep tabs on a couple of vehicles.
A few arrests were made. Lone Star promise that more will follow.
The team split and slept the rest of the night. After calling Snow in the morning they were able to fence the knocked off watches and clothes, which made them a few more nuyen, and the deed was done.
Snow arranged for one of his contacts to buy up the stolen goods, he skimmed off a little of the profit but sent the rest to his new team. He got back home and watched the previous nights events on the trideo.
The job had been done. Not with the finesses that he had hoped. More hammer than surgical knife but …
He walked over to the phone standing on his desk and made a call.
Six, Ash, Ki-Rin, Ono.
Snow had a job passed his way from a Mr. Johnson who worked for Control Monitor Systems. The Californian based security firm had recently lost the contract for guarding a shopping mall to a rival company called Allied Defense Group.
Snow took the job confident that he knew a few people who would be up for the task, and in addition he had found a competent decker who he thought would prove invaluable on this run.
The premise was simple. 5 grand incentive for a team of shadowrunners to breech the mall security prove that ADG aren’t up to the task after that CMS can then re-tender for the work. The runners can keep anything that they deicide to half inch, and if CMS win the contract back, they will wire another 10 grand as thanks.
Snow had picked out 4 companies who would be good to target especially. The owners of these shops are influential people and having their property hit would reinforce the argument to reinstate CMS as the mall security firm.
The runners took the job and instantly headed out for a bit of legwork. First port of call, Stonestown shopping mall to have a look at what they would be up against. Splitting up they began taking a note of the store security. Security was tighter than they expected for a small shopping centre.
Ki-Rin, the decker, clipped a RFI transmitter to one of the security scanner pillars bold as brass dressed as an engineer. A clever blag had Ki-Rin being helped by one of the store security guards to breech store security.
Ash headed away from the mall toward the beach, he rustled up a couple of surfing mates who had a bit of history with street crime. He told them about the hit that they would be doing and these characters, Phil and Freddie Fingers (on account of having all of his fingers bitten off by a shark) joined the party.
Six and Ono took in guard numbers, security rotations, cameras etc. and by about 8:30pm they had a sort of plan. Ash and Ono recovered to a bar nearby, Six and Ki-Rin stayed on and watched the night time security.
By the time the team had gathered there was a smidge of a plan. Hit the mall at 01:00 tomorrow night. Smash into a couple of stores and rob the designer apparel, burn down the other shops. Bypass the security somehow…
Six also arranged for a few street racer mates to turn up, to run distraction and to help raid the shops once they were in. It would be noisy but with luck it would pay off.
Ki-Rin did a bit of legwork on the company who took over the shopping centre and discovered that Frost Financial Group not only owned Allied Defence Group but were propping up their failing finances with a side in the distribution of illegal Trip Chips. If they were distributing chips from this mall, it would explain the excessive security.
The information changed nothing and it was disregarded.
The following night the runners were met by Phil and Freddie, and shortly after were joined by 14 street racers who wanted a bit of the action.
Ki-Rin and Ono headed underground and while Ki-Rin did battle with the security decker, Ono got fighty. Six and Ash (backed up by the surfer dudes and some of the street racers) smashed into the store and began taking on the store guards.
The alarm was sounded, but with a bit of clever coding Ki-Rin supressed it and transmitted the all clear to Lone Star. Unsure if the call had been made before he quashed the alarm they didn’t hang around for long.
They raided a few stores and burned the others and then fled into the city. Lone Star had managed to get a helicopter into the air but with many vehicles fleeing the scene they had a hard time keeping track. But with coordinated Lone Star resources they were able to keep tabs on a couple of vehicles.
A few arrests were made. Lone Star promise that more will follow.
The team split and slept the rest of the night. After calling Snow in the morning they were able to fence the knocked off watches and clothes, which made them a few more nuyen, and the deed was done.
Snow arranged for one of his contacts to buy up the stolen goods, he skimmed off a little of the profit but sent the rest to his new team. He got back home and watched the previous nights events on the trideo.
The job had been done. Not with the finesses that he had hoped. More hammer than surgical knife but …
He walked over to the phone standing on his desk and made a call.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Six's Blog Run 1
by N.Barnes
Call Dir: Shadownet/ShadowlandsBBS/
Select Region: Region=SanFrancisco
Call SubDir: SanFrancisco/WeBlogs
Select Blog: Author=V.Six
2 - Weds 01 March, 2070
Man I am buzzing! It finally happened, yesterday morning. An albinofellah called Snow who seems to be some kind of deal-maker approached me and asked me to swing by Diamond Heights for a lunch meeting. Heintroduced me to a couple of other wannabe Runners - there's a sound guy called Ash with similar roots to me and some tall, dark and scary Troll dude called Ono - and offered us 1,000 nuyen a pop for a little job.
The gig was surprisingly legit. Some police dude - Capt. Duncan Croner - had his pad cased and robbed. Guy was insured to the eyeballs but thecrew yanked his safe out of the wall and took the whole thing. We had to retrieve the sentimental shit from the cop's safe - a photo album full of memories and a presentation set of gold revolvers. I really like the way this guy Snow works. He's basically pulling a double blind. By getting the dude's stuff back, he earns himself a favour or two from the heat but he's also sending a message to the San Fran criminal community that he's a guy who can get stuff done. Sweet.
Anyways, the three of us swing into research mode. I slipped into itpretty easily - it's common sense stuff. Where did they case the jointfrom, did they leave any clues, did they get caught on security camera's etc. I can work with these other Runners too - we quickly slipped into working as a team and doing it well. Ono, well he's a Jap Troll and big into all that Samurai honour shit. The guy is a close combat machine! Ash, well I gave him a ribbing. He knows people and reckons he is Mr Contacts but he's got a bit of a quick temper and needs to chill out 'cause he puts people off. Needs to learn the value of papering palms with a little green too, y'know?
Pretty quickly we found out that a couple of Hispanics had done the deed and used a van from SF Truck Rental. We swing down and Mr Contacts makes a play for the info. Turns out he's got a criminal record and the Van Man clams up. Out come the Credsticks and Van Man coughs up that Tiki Gomez rented the truck. My girl Kitty knows Gomez so we swing by her place. Ono and Ash make with the threats and find out Tiki's man Jesus is the robber. I pick up street scuttlebutt that he's doing over a Jewellers in the Financial District.
We interrupt the heist in progress. Ono takes the front of the shop while Ash and I head in at the rear. Jesus is making flash with the Gold Six-shooters and we take him down but Ono cops the flak from goons with automatics. We pull his fat out of the fire. The Autodoc drone was money well spent - reckon I'm able to save his life, which makes me feel good inside. I'm contributing. I'm valuable to this team. It's good for Rep which is what I need. The heat are en route so we drag Ono's ass to Jesus' van, grab Jesus and the guns and we light out, fast.Rest is history dog. We get some Z's, get Ono some Meds and Jesus takesus to his lock up where we find the photographs discarded on the garagefloor. Job done. We head back to Snow's, pick up the green and catch a couple of hours of console chaos - his system is phat!
I reckon me and these other guys can be tight and they clearly have connections who can pick up some more work. I've offered to pimp Ono's ride too, figure if I scratch his back, he'll scratch mine. Can't wait for the next call.
Mood: High and hyper
Call Dir: Shadownet/ShadowlandsBBS/
Select Region: Region=SanFrancisco
Call SubDir: SanFrancisco/WeBlogs
Select Blog: Author=V.Six
2 - Weds 01 March, 2070
Man I am buzzing! It finally happened, yesterday morning. An albinofellah called Snow who seems to be some kind of deal-maker approached me and asked me to swing by Diamond Heights for a lunch meeting. Heintroduced me to a couple of other wannabe Runners - there's a sound guy called Ash with similar roots to me and some tall, dark and scary Troll dude called Ono - and offered us 1,000 nuyen a pop for a little job.
The gig was surprisingly legit. Some police dude - Capt. Duncan Croner - had his pad cased and robbed. Guy was insured to the eyeballs but thecrew yanked his safe out of the wall and took the whole thing. We had to retrieve the sentimental shit from the cop's safe - a photo album full of memories and a presentation set of gold revolvers. I really like the way this guy Snow works. He's basically pulling a double blind. By getting the dude's stuff back, he earns himself a favour or two from the heat but he's also sending a message to the San Fran criminal community that he's a guy who can get stuff done. Sweet.
Anyways, the three of us swing into research mode. I slipped into itpretty easily - it's common sense stuff. Where did they case the jointfrom, did they leave any clues, did they get caught on security camera's etc. I can work with these other Runners too - we quickly slipped into working as a team and doing it well. Ono, well he's a Jap Troll and big into all that Samurai honour shit. The guy is a close combat machine! Ash, well I gave him a ribbing. He knows people and reckons he is Mr Contacts but he's got a bit of a quick temper and needs to chill out 'cause he puts people off. Needs to learn the value of papering palms with a little green too, y'know?
Pretty quickly we found out that a couple of Hispanics had done the deed and used a van from SF Truck Rental. We swing down and Mr Contacts makes a play for the info. Turns out he's got a criminal record and the Van Man clams up. Out come the Credsticks and Van Man coughs up that Tiki Gomez rented the truck. My girl Kitty knows Gomez so we swing by her place. Ono and Ash make with the threats and find out Tiki's man Jesus is the robber. I pick up street scuttlebutt that he's doing over a Jewellers in the Financial District.
We interrupt the heist in progress. Ono takes the front of the shop while Ash and I head in at the rear. Jesus is making flash with the Gold Six-shooters and we take him down but Ono cops the flak from goons with automatics. We pull his fat out of the fire. The Autodoc drone was money well spent - reckon I'm able to save his life, which makes me feel good inside. I'm contributing. I'm valuable to this team. It's good for Rep which is what I need. The heat are en route so we drag Ono's ass to Jesus' van, grab Jesus and the guns and we light out, fast.Rest is history dog. We get some Z's, get Ono some Meds and Jesus takesus to his lock up where we find the photographs discarded on the garagefloor. Job done. We head back to Snow's, pick up the green and catch a couple of hours of console chaos - his system is phat!
I reckon me and these other guys can be tight and they clearly have connections who can pick up some more work. I've offered to pimp Ono's ride too, figure if I scratch his back, he'll scratch mine. Can't wait for the next call.
Mood: High and hyper
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Run 1. The golden revolvers.
Ash. Six. Ono.
The runners were gathered by Hugh Washington. The Albino man who goes by the street name of Snow is new to San Francisco and is keen to establish a shadowrunner presence.
Snow found out through his contacts that the police Captain, Duncan Croner, was the victim of a burglary, and is keen to recover a couple of items which had sentimental value to him. Namely a photo album, and a pair of antique 1800’s revolvers, both of which were in the safe, which had been stolen.
To win a favour or two from the lone star captain, Snow put together a small running team who, if lucky, would be able to track down these items before Lone Star do.
Ash, the man with a network of local contacts.
A wheels man by the name of Six.
And the muscle in case things get ugly, Ono.
A good compact team of runners who should be able to cope with this little run.
They did a bit of legwork, and in a short space of time discovered that the perps were probably Hispanic. And that the van used for the robbery was hired from SF Truck Rentals, by a girl with memorable breasts called Tiki Gomez.
Contacts were put into action to identify them and eventually an address for Tiki Gomez appeared. She wasn’t home when the runners went asking, but a friend of her boyfriend was. He didn’t take to kindly to being asked questions about the robbery, and tried to chase off Ono and Ash with a gun. He ended in the bathroom with a badly wounded arm answering Ash’s questions.
Meanwhile Six sat with the vehicles keeping an eye on one of the street gangs. He called one over and asked him what he knew about Tiki, and her man.
Between them the runner found out that the man who masterminded the robbery was called Jesus Raul, and that he was headed off to commit another crime, this time a robbery of a jewellery store. Using the stolen duelling revolvers.
(Raul fancied changing his crime name to something like Golden Guns and had delusions of having a crime wave named after him and these antique pistols, which were going to be his trademark.)
There are a lot of jewellery stores in San Francisco, but one of the commercial areas in the city stuck in the mind where 6 likely shops were in close proximity.
Arriving the runners split up and Ash was the first to spot a shop which was closed. Upon closer inspection he saw a woman bound in the store.
The runners moved in, Ono went to the front of the store and started rattling the doors which alerted the 3 robbers inside. Ash and Six went round the back and broke in through the rear door.
The sounds of gunshots rang out, and Ono was felled under a hail of shotgun and SMG fire, Six and Ash fought their way from the rear of the building and found Ono unconscious next to Six’s helpfully placed Medibot.
Getting away from the scene as Lone Star closed in with Ono and Raul unconscious in the back of the van. They needed medical help and fast. Ringing around they were given the address of an elderly street doc who introduced himself simply as Doc. He took payments from Snow to attend the poorly forms of the two men, and asked Ash and Six to come back in the morning.
The following morning Ono was up on his feet. The runners took Jesus from the doc’s place and stuck a gun in his face. Still suffering from his injuries, Jesus told the team about that he didn’t know about the photo album but guessed that if it was in the safe, then it would still be in the lockup where he blew the safe open. He directed the runners there, and sure enough the photo album was present.
The runners left Jesus injured but alive, and headed to Snow’s apartment.
Snow was really pleased to receive the items and paid the runners in full. And has marked their cards for further work.
Captain, Duncan Croner was also really pleased to receive his antique revolvers and his photo album, and he let Snow know that he owed a favour or two.
Ash. Six. Ono.
The runners were gathered by Hugh Washington. The Albino man who goes by the street name of Snow is new to San Francisco and is keen to establish a shadowrunner presence.
Snow found out through his contacts that the police Captain, Duncan Croner, was the victim of a burglary, and is keen to recover a couple of items which had sentimental value to him. Namely a photo album, and a pair of antique 1800’s revolvers, both of which were in the safe, which had been stolen.
To win a favour or two from the lone star captain, Snow put together a small running team who, if lucky, would be able to track down these items before Lone Star do.
Ash, the man with a network of local contacts.
A wheels man by the name of Six.
And the muscle in case things get ugly, Ono.
A good compact team of runners who should be able to cope with this little run.
They did a bit of legwork, and in a short space of time discovered that the perps were probably Hispanic. And that the van used for the robbery was hired from SF Truck Rentals, by a girl with memorable breasts called Tiki Gomez.
Contacts were put into action to identify them and eventually an address for Tiki Gomez appeared. She wasn’t home when the runners went asking, but a friend of her boyfriend was. He didn’t take to kindly to being asked questions about the robbery, and tried to chase off Ono and Ash with a gun. He ended in the bathroom with a badly wounded arm answering Ash’s questions.
Meanwhile Six sat with the vehicles keeping an eye on one of the street gangs. He called one over and asked him what he knew about Tiki, and her man.
Between them the runner found out that the man who masterminded the robbery was called Jesus Raul, and that he was headed off to commit another crime, this time a robbery of a jewellery store. Using the stolen duelling revolvers.
(Raul fancied changing his crime name to something like Golden Guns and had delusions of having a crime wave named after him and these antique pistols, which were going to be his trademark.)
There are a lot of jewellery stores in San Francisco, but one of the commercial areas in the city stuck in the mind where 6 likely shops were in close proximity.
Arriving the runners split up and Ash was the first to spot a shop which was closed. Upon closer inspection he saw a woman bound in the store.
The runners moved in, Ono went to the front of the store and started rattling the doors which alerted the 3 robbers inside. Ash and Six went round the back and broke in through the rear door.
The sounds of gunshots rang out, and Ono was felled under a hail of shotgun and SMG fire, Six and Ash fought their way from the rear of the building and found Ono unconscious next to Six’s helpfully placed Medibot.
Getting away from the scene as Lone Star closed in with Ono and Raul unconscious in the back of the van. They needed medical help and fast. Ringing around they were given the address of an elderly street doc who introduced himself simply as Doc. He took payments from Snow to attend the poorly forms of the two men, and asked Ash and Six to come back in the morning.
The following morning Ono was up on his feet. The runners took Jesus from the doc’s place and stuck a gun in his face. Still suffering from his injuries, Jesus told the team about that he didn’t know about the photo album but guessed that if it was in the safe, then it would still be in the lockup where he blew the safe open. He directed the runners there, and sure enough the photo album was present.
The runners left Jesus injured but alive, and headed to Snow’s apartment.
Snow was really pleased to receive the items and paid the runners in full. And has marked their cards for further work.
Captain, Duncan Croner was also really pleased to receive his antique revolvers and his photo album, and he let Snow know that he owed a favour or two.
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