Thursday, April 13, 2006

Run 7a. Highway Piracy

Friday 24th March 2070 03:40am

Six, Ki-Rin, Drifter, Ono, Ash.

Six, Ash, and Ono met Ki-Rin and Drifter in the same café that Mr. Mason left a few minutes before so that they could discuss how to help Snow out of this hole he found himself in.

He was trying to make contacts within the Yakuza and agreed to source some military armaments and took payments for the goods. The goods were coming in from Seattle and didn’t arrive. The Yakuza were getting concerned that their new friend was trying to stitch them, and it was only a matter of time before they paid Snow a visit. Snow called his San Fran runners to see if they could help him out.

Ki-Rin had already been approached by a contact, Mancini, who himself had been approached by a man calling himself The Merchant. He was offering to sell a very similar list of weaponry and they suspected that Snow’s guns were already stolen and being flogged on the black market.

Drifter wanted to find out more information on the runners who were running the guns over the boarder and he got Ki-Rin to search the Matrix on Hazard and Swordfish. Ki-Rin found that both were well respected runners and both had their Comlinks on and pinpointed their location about 200 miles north, in Death Valley.

They were separated by about 40 miles, the first, Hazard seemed to be along I55 and the other comlink signal was out in the desert. After much deliberation they decided that heading out in the desert was preferable to waiting for the Merchant to call back with this sale. They got themselves a couple of hours of kip, before hiring a van and heading out.

The runners headed in convoy, with Six and Ki-Rin blasting ahead along the near deserted blacktop. Driving past a warehouse which had sprung up on the interstate, Ki-Rin detected the PAN of Hazard, they U turned and headed back to a nearby petrol station to wait for the others driving in the slower van.

They decided to bust in, Drifter on the roof, Ki-Rin Ono and Six through the door. Six shot out the door, Ki-Rin rolled in some flash bangs before stepping in and Stick-Shocking one of the men who were caught unawares. Ono Strode in and smacked the other guy in the face with his big troll fist. Drifter shot out the skylight and fell into the warehouse.

Room cleared in a phase, and the only injury was sustained from hitting a transit van roof at speed. The runners found a Battered Red Ranger inside and discovered the PAN was coming from a smashed helmet which was inside. They were about to bring round the two men and begin questioning them when Drifter discovered that they were lonestar Border patrol, and this warehouse was where they stored wrecked vehicles. They left the unconscious forms and split before the alarm was raised.

Heading out toward the other Comlink signal, the runners find that it is coming from a rocky rise in the desert. A bit of looking around they discover the crash site of the Red-Ranger, and further investigation by Six and Drifter locate where the VTOL was immobilised with a electric pulse delivered through a net strung across a shallow gulley that is used by smugglers.

Ki-Rin and Ono discovered the bodies of the runners, shot dead, and then see a young lad watching them. They follow him and see him stood out in the open between two high banks of rocks. As he turns to run Ki-Rin shoots his leg off.

Ki-Rin and Ono make their way toward the boy and too late realise that they have strolled into an ambush, the kid as bait. They come under heavy fire from both sides shot at from the high rock walls. Hearing gunfire the rest of the runners dash to their aid, and quickly turn the fight on the ambushers. They try to flee on a couple of quads but are brought down before they get too far.

The equipment they were using was top notch. Brand new rifles, APDS rounds. The runners fancy that the cache of weapons is being split up and used by these bandits. Looking to where they were trying to flee the runners see an abandoned gold mine about half a mile away, and they mount up on the remaining quad bikes and head out across the desert at speed.

From range the runners start taking fire from snipers on the roof of a mine building, and they find themselves dodging and weaving on the speeding quads.

As the runners got close they split up and began to engage the targets. Ash tried to ride at full tilt under a slowly opening shutter door, smacking his head. Dazed he then fell at the feet of a gunman who drilled him. Drifter began to clear out the only other building, and when he tossed a pipe bomb the enemy sped out.

Ash was brought round and followed behind Ki-Rin assuming it was safer behind. Ki-Rin attracted the attention of a man wielding two rocket launchers and was forced to dodge a rocket. Ash was less lucky and was hit. Blasted off his feet his clothes living up to his name.

In short order the runners cleared out the rest of the desert pirates and found most of the military equipment. They loaded it into the back of the hovercraft that the Merchant had been using to move around the desert and retired back to San Francisco.

They handed over the goods to the Yakuza and gave Snow the stolen hovercraft and other scavenged equipment to sell on to recover some money.

With that they went home…
A few days pass, and Ash feeling better got Six to do some work on his sisters car. Ash owes her a favour or two. And the runners waited for the next job.

Run 7 blackmail bloomfield pt. 2

Six, Ki-Rin, Drifter, Ono, Ash.

Friday 24th March 2070 01:20am

Nunzio’s yacht turned south into the crook of San Francisco and the pilot powered up the Victor Emanuell II towards the executive housing along the shoreline. Ash and Ono took up a sedate pursuit in another stolen dingy and Six blasted back north toward Ash’s boat again.

Ki-Rin received a phone call from Mancini, his army buddy. Mancini had received a call from someone calling himself the Merchant who was offering a job lot on some military hardware, Mancini couldn’t get the 200k needed so was trying to put together a syndicate to buy the merchandise and then sell it on. Ki-Rin was interested but had to go and find the money.

Six got Ash’s speedboat and sped to meet the others who were floating about half a click away watching the goings on with the mafia boat. The Victor Emanuell II had docked at a private pontoon. Nunzio and his men ran up the stairs to the house and disappeared from sight.

With the yacht abandoned, the runners moved in, taking a wide berth they pulled up alongside and Ono slipped aboard. Going below decks he found a briefcase and a safe. He ripped the safe from its flush fitting cupboard when Snow conference called the runners.

Snow had a problem. The Yakuza were on his back as Snow had arranged to source a shipment of arms for the Yaks and this arsenal didn’t turn up. The Yakuza were getting edgy and Snow had to get his best runners looking for the missing cache. He told them that he had been in Seattle and had sourced some reliable runners, Hazard and Swordfish, to run the guns across the boarder only they hadn’t turned up.

Six, Ash and Ono were in the middle of another run, and to highlight the point, the sound of gunshots rang out. Ki-Rin and Drifter started work on Snow’s problem.

A body tumbled into the sea from the house above. Rafael Pizzolo a Mafia patriarch was dead and Nunzio was making power moves. The runners had to split, and to ensure that they weren’t followed by the motor yacht they began to slowly tow it out to sea while Ono hauled the heavy safe out of the mafia boat.

Escaping they cut the yacht free and Ono did a bit of waterskiing, and the runners recovered to the docks to check out the booty that they had taken from the mafia. The safe contained a bit of cash, and the briefcase contained the evidence that Nunzio had set up a front company called Delta construction, and for some reason Delta were tendering for the same work as Mr. Mason’s company.

The runners got the evidence that they required and handed it over to Mr. Mason. He was pleased and paid up.

The runners then had to help out their fixer Snow.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Run 6. Blackmail Bloomfield pt. 1.

Six, Ash, Ono.

The runners settled into a bit of downtime. Ash looked into purchasing some land not far from San Francisco but the cost was prohibitive for the moment. Ono began learning a new martial art form, which combines adept powers with martial skill, Sune-ku Jitsu. Six trawled the small adds for second hand cars, eventually he bought a smashed up performance car, and sourced an awesome V8 which had been restored by a skilled mechanic, Six began to repair the car and marry up the whopping motor.

Thursday 23rd March 2070.

Daisy, Ash’s sister and decker contact feeds the team a lead when she finds a shadowrun job posted on the matrix. The abrupt businessman, Mr. Mason calls Ash and arranges to meet the whole team at Carries Diner.

Mr. Mason informs the runners that he owns a construction company and he wants to win a lucrative contract from the Tomorrow Today project, which is ploughing money into redeveloping the San Francisco area through grants and taxes. Although he might win the contact on merit, he is keen to get some blackmail-able dirt on Danny Bloomfield, the governor who will choose the contractors, to ensure he gets the work.

The run was straightforward; get something on Bloomfield before noon 25th March to earn 15k. Mr. Mason was not a man to mince his words, and he made it quite clear that he wouldn’t be paying for half arsed, grainy paparazzi shots of Bloomfield with his wife.

Bloomfield wasn’t elected for a second term as city governor for being stupid, and the runners found nothing regarding his financial records, his family (close or extended), his habits untoward, and they didn’t cover any ground investigative reporters hadn’t.

Daisy turned up a meeting in Bloomfield’s diary with a Mr. Caznotti for this evening, and Six suspected it was his own brother, Nunzio, who had connections to a different family, the Mafia. The runners set about tailing Bloomfield armed with a high power still/trid camera, and late in the evening they followed him to the East Side Marina, where luxury yachts and Gin Palaces are moored.

Six’s brother, Nunzio, a Mafia man, met Bloomfield on the quayside. He escorted the governor to the Victor Emanuell II, a vessel owned by Caesar holdings. The runners closed in on the boat to get their evidence of wrong doings when the boat pulled out of the mooring and headed out to deep ocean.

Ash and Ono stole a small dinghy and took up the pursuit, Six who was already on the road headed to North Beach, where Ash had a more powerful speedboat.
Unable to keep up with the yacht Ash and Ono were please to see Six powering out to meet them, one they transferred to Ash’s boat they took up the pursuit and within 20 minutes they got a visual on the boat, circling in international waters.

Ono snapped up the binoculars and saw two men at the back of the boat staring back at them through binoculars. They realised they may have been spotted, and fearing that they would be shot if they got too close, and fearing that they would die of hypothermia if they swam out, they withdrew to capture some images of the party once they returned.

They took Ash’s boat back to its moorings and returned to East Side Marina. All of them failed to notice the quiet mafia limo, which remained in the corner of the car park and they set up to watch the comings and goings.

The boat came back and Nunzio showed Bloomfield back to the limo. The luxury car then departed. Nunzio returned to the Victor Emanuell II and headed below deck to talk to his cohorts. Keen to get some more evidence the runners tried to get onboard but fear of being spotted by mafia goons kept all but Ash at bay. Ash swam close and climbed up a fender rope, he listened for a short while as the men talked about women and sport, after about 20 minutes of gasbagging, Nunzio took a phone call and they moved out again, powering up the Yacht engines.

Ash dropped back into the sea and swam/waded to shore to steal the only other dinghy on the spit of beach. Six gunned his engine and began to speed back towards Ash’s boat on North Beach, unaware that Nunzio was about to turn south.

To be continued…

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Six's blog. Run 5.

By N.Barnes

Call Dir: Shadownet/ShadowlandsBBS/>
Select Region: Region=SanFrancisco>
Call SubDir: SanFrancisco/WeBlogs>
Select Blog: Author=V.Six>

Entry 5: 16.03.70

Man, some days it goes from bad to worse. And this is worse. Last night I had a brainwave. If tall, dark and scary had stuck one of the Notable Anarchists, they’d take him to their friendly neighbourhood Street Doc Mal.
I hauled Ash’s ass outta bed. Goon had been fishing FFS! We hit Mal’s together and found a welcoming party waiting for us – three of the NA who were looking after their mate Clive. Seems Ono got the bartender good before he went down! The fight was brief and bloody and with Mal still operating, oblivious to events outside the ER, we cleaned up and slunk off – can’t question an unconscious dude, can you?!

Ash, Ki-rinn and I hooked up and Snow put us in touch with a couple of heavies – some Ex-army Squaddie Squad going by the names Drifter and Freedom. Meantime, Ki-rinn gets a call from the Juggler on that PAYG telling him to hook up down near the naval base to interrogate a couple of the NA’s enemies. We figure they’ll be Ono and the Johnson so while Ki-rinn plays along, the rest of us hung nearby ready to roll into action.

Long story short, that turned out to be a trap. Seems Ono and the Johnson got smacked up on Sodium Pentathol and the Juggler drilled them for info.
The pair of ‘em sung like canaries and gave up Ki-rinn and the whole damn team. The bunker they’d been chained up in was one giant explosive booby trap and we were lucky Freedom knew something about plastique. Even with his ‘expertise’ the charges went off but the demo disposal work he’d done meant no lives were lost – not even the Suit!

We reverted to Plan A once Clive had regained consciousness and the team ran him through the mill. I kept out of it and out of sight, fortunately, but under duress Clive gave us the location of a flat the NA cell headed by O’Bannon had been using. We blazed on over and soon found ourselves in the middle of a full-on fire fight.

O’Bannon and the Juggler and a team of Notable Anarchists we’re getting the hell out of dodge. Maybe we’d made it a little too hot for them in San Fran but they’d called in a couple of choppers and we’re loading up their matching luggage – Samsonite cases stuffed with blank credsticks. We had a brief flurry of action in the corridor and flat followed by a running gun battle up the fire escape and in the elevators. Ki-rinn tried to scotch their whirlybirds with a swift hack but the Riggers just dumped out to manual and though we scored a couple of hits and racked up the body count a little the main men got away.

And then, the bombshell: A call from Johnson to say Cross Applied Technologies were pulling the plug. Gutted, much? I mean we put in days of legwork and effort on this freaking run and some suit just flushes the funding when we’re right on the brink of a breakthrough? Talk about pissed.

What the hell can we do though? Ki-rinn talked a good fight about making CAT regret it and Ash went for breach of contract (whatever Ash, get real man) but it was obvious to me we’d been hung out to dry and had no chance in Hell of doing anything about it.
Johnson was at least apologetic and humble about it all. Hell he even took into account the fact we pulled his fat out of the fire and showed his gratitude by liquidating his personal assets and offering the cash to us. No doubt we were out of pocket but I just couldn’t bring myself to take the guys money. It wasn’t like we were going to leave his ass to get blown to bits and we figured we were protecting our own investment when we helped out. I thanked the guy but said I couldn’t take his cash. Six has left the building.

In a way it made me feel a little better. No one likes to feel as if they’re not in control of their own lives and that was exactly how we all felt when CAT pulled the plug and we saw our wage disappear. But then there was cash on the table and I was back in control – I made the decision not to take Johnson’s dough, for my own reasons and it kinda made me feel as if I could finally walk away from the run with my head held high. Seems the team all agreed – except for Freedom. I hear the mercenary bastard took the cash and he’d only done half a job! Clearly not a team player – one to watch, closely if we have any further dealings.

Mood: Tired and pissed off (but morally fulfilled – if only morals paid the bills lol)
