Tuesday, February 21, 2006

SR4 rules in (very) brief

To make the transition from SR2 to SR4 in one easy painless step. Please see below the key rules the players will need to grasp. The rest of the SR4 rule book is firmly memorised by me. Honest.

SR4 use D6.

The pass target number is always a 5 or a 6. (Never will we see target number 12 again)

Dice rolled to pass a test is equal to attribute + skill (and in some instances attribute + attribute or attribute alone) with a threshold target (number of dice needed to score a 5 or 6) determined by GM.

Scoring 1s on more than 50% of the total dice rolled means that a character will suffer a glitch. A glitch is something that goes wrong, but is not too serious.

You can pass a test but still achieve a glitch. (You jump over a wall, but trip over as you land.)

All 1’s on the dice rolled is a critical glitch and is very bad for the player. (GM loves them though)

Roll number of dice equal to initiative. Hits are added to initiative attribute gives initiative score.
Being initiative pass. Highest initiative first.

Damage is either Physical or Stun, and is noted with either a P or S in the damage code.

The number in the damage code is the amount of boxes the weapon inflicts on the condition monitor.

The AP value of a weapon reduces the armour value.

Once the character has suffered damage, which exceeds their condition monitor they become unconscious and loose one box from their damage overflow every combat turn until they are stabilised with drugs and first aid, or die. Whichever is soonest.

Damage is resisted with a body + armour (modified by AP of attackers weapon) roll. Hits (5 or 6s on the dice) reduce the damage by one box.


Anonymous said...

All good apart from this:

"Roll number of dice equal to initiative. Hits are added to initiative attribute gives initiative score.
Being initiative pass. Highest initiative first."

Which makes no sense to me. "Being initiative pass." WTF? That's not even a sentence...

Owain said...

And I tried to make it easy, only to miss spell Begin.

It's not important, we will waltz our way through a combat and from that moment onward you will understand. My gibberish may even make sense.

Anonymous said...

All becomes clear. Curse the typo!