Born on his parents farm in New Jersey Sam Ferrier lead a very normal farm boy childhood, working hard on his school and college work, helping his father with chores around the farm and loving his mothers cooking.
During his mid teens Sam realised there must be more to life than working on the farm.. He started researching into different career paths and wanted to make a difference, deciding that working for the government would be the best place to do this.
Sam started to slack on his chores around the farm and started putting all he could into his college work, passing all his projects and exams he graduated top of his class and immediately applied to the NSA as a security investigator, his grades and his enthusiasm allowed him several interviews and on his 21st birthday received his employment starter information. Finally he could make that difference.
Flying through all his basic training he was put through more and more intense weapons and combat training. Three years had passed since his original start date when he received a government sealed envelope. In this envelope were instructions on his first appointment.
Serial: L6789-54
Mr S. Ferrier
Congratulations on completion of your training, with effect of 2nd January 2064 you will be assigned to Investigation Unit 2914-01.
You are to immediately cease contact with friends and family and report to office RT56.
Unsure as to contact his parents or not he decided to report as requested. What followed was a highly classified and intense overseas mission, proving himself time and time again as the perfect marksman and investigator he was quickly promoted. With his new appointment came money, with this money and investments from the agency he upgraded himself with cyberware to enhance his capabilities and hopefully his career.
Two years later he was transferred and titled Col. Sam Ferrier with the purpose of overseeing the newly formed Paranormal Task Force. He has never spoke about what happened during this time and it is highly CLASSIFIED but many rumours suggest that he was in charge of ensuring paranormals were taken to the brink of extinction. He decided what they were doing was very wrong and whilst on a mission in Germany he just disappeared. On paperwork Sam is officially listed as 'Missing in Action, Presumed Dead' since the task force’s first mission. But he knows he is now hunted.
Sam used his contacts in Germany to assist him in getting back to America, knowing he needs to stay away from Washington and as unknown as possible he began to run the shadows of San Francisco.. Working for small corporations as an assassin he now goes by the name of Drifter. He never tells anyone his real name and if anyone were to ever call him by it he’d know the agency were on to him.
In tune with his surroundings Col. Sam Ferrier (Drifter) seems to be calm during any combat situation, this is due to the tough training he received during his time before the project, he is trained highly in weapons combat he is able to use any type of weapon in any situation.
Excellent. You and Jimmy Chiu should get on famously (don't forget to ask him for a pair of his fashionable shoes). The rest of us are quite a diverse bunch though for once I notice we are chick-lite...
I was noticing that. Not a problem, just means the trademark Knight-Errant-Pod-Punch works on all.
Not a rigger this time, bit of a change,lol can i get some shoes too?
Some shoes?
From Alan's mobile Jimmy Chiu mart...
Aha! Got it.
No Iain, Nick's the rigger this time round.. I can't hog it all the time.. lol
Go on Nigel. Admit that you intend to kill off Nicks character in the first game in some kind of mutual death incident, and then quickly bag the next rigger.
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