Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Jugglers hit on Cross

Six (book), Glyph (O’Bannon), Ash (Slab), Ki-Rin (Fenix)

Wednesday 25th October 2070

The runners were contacted by their St. Doc contact, Mal. He seemed a bit odd on the phone and when the runners headed to meet him at 11pm as instructed they were cautious. He met them in his surgery at the back of the Gym and sat them down in his office. He then asked the runners if they remembered when they had first met, and they recalled that they were trying to track down The Juggler. He then began to tell them a story of a run against Cross Applied Technologies that happened over six months ago.

Friday 3rd March 2070

The gang sat in the back room of Clive’s Dive for 20 minutes. The Juggler was always late. There was the dark skinned, bespectacled mage, Book. The street doctor, Mal. The troll bruiser Slab, the face of the party, O’Bannon. And the covert ops specialist, Fenix.

The Juggler turned up and like always carried on as if he wasn’t late. He had another hit against Cross Applied technologies. He had been tipped off that Dominic Cross had recently acquired a small book, the pages made from orachalchum. His little bird also had suggested that this book had something to do with summoning a spirit called a Shedim, and the Juggler thought it best that they recovered this book before Dominc got himself into trouble with things he shouldn’t.

O’Bannon had a contact on the inside of Cross Applied technologies, a security guard who would be prepared to open the doors and things. The team began to put together a plan.

The team were going to go into Cross HQ late into the evening disguised as cleaners. They would make their way up to the 15th Floor where they suspected the book to be. Book would confirm the location of the book by assaying the area astrally before they set off. The team split up to get hold of the various bits and pieces, ammo, overalls and cleaning equipment, a battered van and signage to imply a contract cleaning company. O’Bannon let his contact know that they wanted the underground car park un-attended, and also asked for passes for the five of them. His CATco Security guard contact obliged.

The Juggler made his way into Mal’s surgery to the surprise of the runners. Six was especially perturbed as last time out The Juggler was the enemy. But he came with coffee as a gesture of goodwill, and the story Mal was telling was making for interesting listening, the enemy of my enemy and all that. The juggler just encouraged Mal to carry on to the good bit.

The team went in. Book was able to confirm that the book was clearly visible from the astral plane even though the 15th floor was isolated from the astral plane by a bacteria shield that had been embedded into the walls, floor, roof and glazing.

The team snuck in, and the security guards waved them past without really studying their ID’s. Inside the team were again waved past by the security guards who were quite blasé, although after they had made their way to the lifts, they did notice that the guards were making a quick phone call to someone. It was enough to make O’Bannon nervous and he contacted his security guy, who told him that all was fine.

The team made their way to the 8th floor where they had to change lifts, and were briefly accosted by an indignant cleaning lady who was having her floor invaded by outside contract cleaners. (When she buzzed down to security she was told that they were going to be got rid of shortly). Fenix was sure that they were being flanked by some security and went into a door that had just clicked shut, backed up by Slab. Going in there was a stressed out young exec who was working late. He didn’t like being disturbed and decided to run the ID he had demanded off the cleaners through the database so that he could file a complaint. Slab made out that he was getting the bin, before inverting it and jamming it onto the head of the suit. Fenix lifted the bin off the stunned exec, and then smacked him out cold with a decorative glass paperweight.

The team continued up. This time using the emergency stairs. Rather than the lifts. They made it up to the 14th floor, the last floor they could get up to before changing lifts one last time to get to Dominic Cross’s executive apartments on the 15th. Book too a quick peak through the wall in the astral plane and saw that there were guards out there, and also a watcher spirit. He warned the others who burst from the stairwell, guns blazing.

The fire fight was short lived, Book took on a watcher spirit in astral combat and dismissed it with flagrant ease, and the rest of security were dropped without too much of a problem by the other runners. Almost too easy. The team dashed across to the lift and Fenix bypassed the executive override system. Book thought of a gap in the security and astrally projected through the lift out into the apartment. He found the orachalchum book. And there was some kind of spirit actually reading the astral form of the book. The mage returned to his body and warned the team what was up there.

The lift came and they all headed up. They spread out in the plush apartment of Dominic Cross. The book was left open on a table. Switching his perception from the mundane and astral planes Book could see the spirit regarding them and almost encouraging them to take the orachachum artefact. Slab found Dominic Cross in one of his offices, his eyes black pits, he was coughing up blood. Slab killed him there and then.

Book was worried with how keen the malevolent spirit was with them taking the book and he sought advice from contacts, and the rest of the team, take the book, destroy the book, leave it here. In the end the mage took charge, took responsibility for the magical artefact and they left…

And this is where Mal ended the story. The Juggler then took over explaining what happened since. The mage had taken the book, and over the course of about a month had lost contact with his friends, and now was missing. The Juggler had received advice that implied that this book was key to dispelling this Shedim, and now wanted the runners in to help.

Knowing that the Juggler knew a bit about CATCo, Ash asked if he knew about the Dreamseed project, about Perfect Shooter, and about his brother, Blake, who was missing again and probably in the clutches of whichever guise Cross Applied was working under. The Juggler knew nothing new.

Six wanted to see the colour of the green, and when they were offered 50k they were set to leave. The Juggler came in with one last offer. 50k to cover the expenses of finding his friend, and the book that could deal a death blow to Alisom, and in return The Juggler would pull his resources to help find Blake…

Ash was set to refuse the job on account of being fragged with too many times over this. Yet something in the Jugglers voice made him really believe that he could help. Six was there and would back up Ash no matter what. Glyph and Ki-Rin were also ready to back up their team.

The runners and the Juggler traded information for many hours, they learned that the Notable Anarchists was a front used by the Juggler to strike out at incursions by a type of spirit called a horror. Alisom was just one Shedim trying to pervert one corporation, but there were many more, The Juggler was at the forefront of the battle, trying to stem the tide. the Dragon, Alamais, who also worked against these spirits was financially backing the Notable Anarchists.

The runners then remembered that they had seen Book more recently than the Juggler. He was embroiled in a run that they had trying to solve the deaths in the Castro sector. They had seen him enjoying a party with Dr. Manton Ford, a man they were paid to kill but failed to do after the run went sour. They also trailed the mage, Book, to Las Vegas again before the run went wrong.

They had some leads and were going to start with Dr. Manton Ford…


Owain said...

If it isn't clear. Italics when I was wearing my flashback hat, and normal font is when the runners we in the real world.

Anonymous said...

You totally zeroed out my immense fisticuffs against the Watcher spirit. That was my moment of glory man and you've robbed me of it... [sob]

Owain said...

With fear of setting a precident for changing the blog becuase of a player whinge, there were a few other bits and pieces that I needed to change and add. So there is now mention of the astral heroics against a watcher spirit.

Anonymous said...

You also didn't mention that the Fragger Hamish is going to get his soon. Double cross us will he!!!

Anonymous said...

Fack 'em. And Whoy's this Van still smell of fackin' Dog?

Owain said...

Look, Hamish had to do what he had to do. Dominic Cross knew that he had let you guys in the last time and had told him that if he was to ensure that it didn't happen again then his wife and kids would be safe.

Owain said...

and... errr. What?

Fackin' cockneys don't speak a word of the Queens banter.

alex said...

I nevare joke; je n'entends pas la raillerie , Sare, voulez-vous have de vioxx kindness to give me back de money vot I pay! Certainly not.. You're quite right, Jim, he said, putting down his glass, but I'm--er--getting old--and--somehow--I am missing poor Stryker damnably! THE DUPLICITY OF HARGRAVES lovastatin By O.. Do you consider that a safe boat? he asked the ambien fisherman.. Sleep guarantees the security of the fortress which is atenolol under guard.. He graduated from Yale in 1902, collaborated with Brian Hooker (1880- ) in a novel, The Professor's Mystery (1911) and alone wrote another novel, The Man in the protonix Brown Derby (1911).. The next instant she lamictal had seized him.. There can be no doubt that tramadol the dream working has resulted in an extraordinary compression or condensation.. ] acetaminophen [Footnote 8: The Cambridge History of American Literature , Vol.. I have, announced cymbalta Abner, pompously.. Woman, he said, clonazepam with grand dignity, you forgit yus-sef; shu know ware I've ben 'swell's I do.. If it should seem surprising that so high-bred a visitor should be sojourning in the wild woods, it must be remembered that more than one celebrated Englishman and not a few distinguished Americans have farmer brothers in the western country, no whit less rustic in their exterior and manner lotrel of life than the plainest of their neighbors.. Thus I must tramadol resign my wish to give a supper.. Elder Brown leaned over oxycodone the little pine picket which divided the bookkeepers' department of a Macon warehouse from the room in general, and surveyed the well-dressed back of a gentleman who was busily figuring at a desk within.. He roused up, and gave me allegra good-day.. Oh! Polly died of laughing as she told me of it at midnight! And even here, where I have to teach my hands to hew the beech for stakes to fence byetta our cave, she dies of laughing as she recalls it--and says that single occasion was worth all we have paid for it...

Owain said...

That, my friends, is spam.

Anonymous said...

I was a litlle curious, how odd... A spam Fritter perhaps?

Owain said...

Unfortunalty there is little I can do to stop spam like that, other than read and aprove every comment left. If I did that it would take away any spontaneous banter that sometimes happens in the comments section.

It is only one at the moment, I will try to do something about it if it gets out of hand.

Anonymous said...

C'mon you grumpy pair. Let's just hand over our bank details and get some of their wonderful drugs!