Tuesday, June 06, 2006

No update, update.

There is no game this week due to the GM taking his girlfriend to the Race for Life. However next week will see the introduction of one and maybe two new PC’s, and the spectacular loss of at least one of the characters.


Anonymous said...

Oh right, like that is it. You skank off for a week, then come back with death threats.

That's it Ow, you gonna pay!

Owain said...

Okay, alright. I won't kill anybody this week....

Anonymous said...

Spectacular?! Tug cable, sigh, die. If that's your idea of spectacular, I'd hate to suffer an ignominious death in your game...

Owain said...

Well... No fair one, it wasn't a blaze of glory was it. Ah well, that'll learn you for ditching characters in my campaign.